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Common Core State Standard ELA-Literacy.RL.2.4

Reading Literature

Craft and Structure

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.2.4 Describe how words and phrases (e.g., regular beats, alliteration, rhymes, repeated lines) supply rhythm and meaning in a story, poem, or song.

Common Core State Standards: RL.2.4

pumpkins poem

Pumpkins, Pumpkins

Common Core State Standards: CCSS  2.RL.1, 2.RL.4
Poem about a pumpkin patch.  Questions include setting, rhyming words, and predicting.

autumn worksheet Autumn

Common Core State Standards: CCSS  2.RL.1, 2.RL.4
Poem about fall.  Questions include word meanings and author's feelings.

 Bed in Summer

Common Core State Standards: CCSS  2.RL.1, 2.RL.4
A poem with comprehension questions.


Common Core State Standards: CCSS  2.RL.1, 2.RL.4
A poem with comprehension questions.


Common Core State Standards: CCSS  2.RL.1, 2.RL.4
A poem with comprehension questions.

 Mary Had a Little Lamb

Common Core State Standards: CCSS  2.RL.1, 2.RL.4
A poem with comprehension questions.


Common Core State Standards: CCSS  2.RL.1, 2.RL.4
A poem with comprehension questions.

 Who Has Seen the Wind

Common Core State Standards: CCSS  2.RL.1, 2.RL.4
A poem with comprehension questions.

scarecrow poem Scarecrow

Common Core State Standards: CCSS  2.RL.1, 2.RL.4
A poem with comprehension questions.


Common Core State Standards: CCSS  2.RL.1, 2.RL.4
A poem with comprehension questions.