2ndgradeworksheets.net-Free worksheets and printables for teachers

Common Core State Standard 2.NBT.4

Number & Operations in Base Ten

Understand Place Value.

4. Compare two three-digit numbers based on meanings of the hundreds, tens, and ones digits, using >, =, and < symbols to record the results of comparisons.

Common Core State Standards: 2.NBT.4

place value worksheets compare three digit numbersCompare Numbers Worksheets    2     3      4      5      6      7      8      9      10  

Common Core State Standards:  2.NBT.4
Numbers & Operations in Base Ten
Understand Place Value
Compare two three-digit numbers based on meanings of the hundreds, tens, and ones digits, using >, =, and < symbols to record the results of comparisons.

Students compare 2-three digit numbers.